So although HM was off school due to Teacher Strike action...I did manage to get a few hours stitching done...not back working on the Fruit Salad Quilt but on a Thank You gift for said striking Teacher!
I initially planned on making a version of the "Three Faces of Steve" Cat from my Denyse Schmidt Quilts book...I have some lovely Anna Maria Horner Good Folks Filigree in Dusk sitting in my stash which I think will be lovely...however the pattern in the book needs to be enlarged by 250% and with no photocopier at home I duly asked my Hubbie. On arrival home from work, Husband presented me with the book saying I can't believe that you really wanted it that doesn't fit on the paper...sigh....yes, I said ....that is right....can you try again but copy each pattern piece on separate pieces of A3 please?
Said book was still sitting at home this morning :-(
Anyway back to today's sewing action...instead of Steve the Cat, I decided to make an alternative gift...a while ago my Sister made some cute quilted wall hangings - one with a coffee cup & one with a tea cup. She let me have a copy of the pattern & so I decided to make one & now my stash has grown there is plenty of fabric,wadding & thread which I can use.
I quickly chose my fabric (normally this is the longest part of the job as I can never choose) and started cutting out pieces before realising I had no instructions. I thought that I could probably manage to cobble it together without them but I called my Sister & she read out the instructions to me down the phone (thank heaven's for my Sister!). Armed with her words of guidance I was ready to get stitching.